Customer Success Story

SaaS-tifaction Guaranteed: The Complete Upgrade Of a SaaS Company’s Customer Service Process

Read Time: 4 minutes

Blasted with critical reviews and facing thousands of dollars in losses, this SaaS company knew it urgently needed an upgraded scheduling process. The solution went even further


The client, a SaaS company responsible for providing support & product training to customers through client administrators, was managing incoming training requests using Outlook, Excel, and email.

While these are fine tools, the process of manually adding critical client data while searching for available appointment hours was quickly becoming a concern.

Both customers and client administrators were struggling with long wait times. Multiple appointment initiation points—such as email, phone, and website— had to be monitored around the clock for clients across different time zones.

Additionally, clients were being pushed to request appointments through the SaaS company’s designated Customer Portal, adding yet another initiation point.

Bombarded by customer support issues and facing huge losses, the company wanted to reduce wait times by decreasing its appointment initiation points.

However, this would also reduce incoming requests (and thus, income). Searching for a solution that would overhaul the process without leading to immediate losses, the SaaS company approached SUMO.


After conducting an in-depth audit of the business, including interviews with the workforce & anonymous clients, major pain points were discovered.

To address those issues effectively, SUMO suggested the following feature implementations for the SaaS company’s appointment scheduling strategy:

Unified Appointment View: all initiation points should be up-to-date
Revamped Infrastructure: each representative should access correct data
Reminder Engine: clients should automatically be informed 
Designated Access: only the administrators should confirm appointments


First and foremost, the SaaS company was afraid to lose clients if they went through with their original plan: decreasing appointment initiation points.

Instead of removing those initiation points (and jeopardizing a revenue stream), SUMO created a transparent Multi-Calendar, fully synced for the clients
and the administrators based on each scheduled appointment.

This way, clients could continue using the existing initiation points, while each recorded appointment would automatically be added to the Multi-Calendar.

Secondly, SUMO created bespoke Case Management features, allowing each customer’s pre-recorded preferences to be quickly accessible for the consultants, enabling them to focus on customer service rather than data scrolling.

Furthermore, the new Reminder Engine would automatically send reminders
to the customers when their appointment was approaching, freeing up the consultants.

Lastly, a brand new interface with designated access allowed the administrators to log new case details more effectively, while an Automatic Trigger to pull in client contact information or assigned reps into a scheduled meeting kept everyone on track.


SUMO Scheduler simplified the booking process, giving the global support team a single tool built within the Salesforce platform to manage appointments.

The Multi-Calendar view now provides a bird’s eye view over all incoming (and scheduled) appointments, allowing consultants to focus on more dynamic time-management and customer service.

As such, the global support department can now view Outlook for Salesforce, Salesforce events and SUMO self-scheduled appointments on one single calendar.

The Reminder Engine has eliminated the potential for double-booked or missed appointments, and thus the client administrators now have greater flexibility (and designated access) when managing their accounts.

By implementing the SUMO solutions, the SaaS company’s support team has drastically decreased wait times & after call work times, greatly improving the customer experience and satisfaction rates (they surveyed it!).


The SaaS travel leader has reported increased productivity through the new, streamlined SUMO solution, with administrators & consultants appreciating the all-in-one customer engagement solution.

Beyond customer experience, the company has reported an increase in customer appointments, especially self-scheduled appointments through the new, streamlined Multi Calendar interface. Today, our client continues to provide top-notch service to its 100+ clients worldwide, all while trusting SUMO with its client relationship management. 



Team Size:

50+ employees


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