Customer Success Story

Medical Technology Company

Read Time: 6 minutes


Medtronic is a medical technology company that has been a pioneer in the healthcare industry since its inception in 1949. Today, it serves patients in 150 countries around the world. One of the main challenges that Medtronic has always faced is outdated appointment scheduling system. Patients often had to call customer service to schedule appointments, which has proven to be time-consuming and frustrating. Additionally, manual scheduling resulted in errors which led to missed appointments and poor customer satisfaction.

To improve team productivity and elevate the patient experience, Medtronic turned to SUMO, a web-based automated appointment scheduling software that allows businesses and organizations to manage their appointments online. SUMO was the perfect solution for Medtronic because it offers an automated way for patients to schedule appointments without having to call customer service. Additionally, SUMO helped address potential privacy risks that stemmed from outdated non-secure scheduling methods.


SUMO’s Event and Class Scheduler was critical in helping Medtronic organize its highly complex training calendar. The scheduler automated the process of creating and managing event registrations, which previously was a time-consuming and error-prone task. Designed to manage thousands of annual events, the Event Scheduler is 100% hosted on the native Salesforce platform which eliminated the need for third-party integrations, calendars, and security services.

Lastly, SUMO’s Assignment Engine was key to connecting patients with the right experts based on a custom need, location, and time zone. Architected for robust performance and highly configurable to support any business process, the real-time assignment process completely eliminated double booking and missed appointments. As a result, Medtronic immediately saw higher-quality engagement and patient satisfaction.

Patients are now able to self-schedule appointments from any device and time zone. Appointments are automatically added to the employee’s calendar, and patients receive scheduled reminders via customized email links. Newly introduced self-scheduling not only saves time for patients and employees but also eliminates the possibility of human error.

Medtronic’s switch to automated appointment scheduling with SUMO has helped the company save time and money and also improved customer satisfaction. In fact, Medtronic saw an increase in first-time appointments of nearly 15% after implementing SUMO Scheduler.


Thanks to SUMO’s automation capabilities, Medtronic was able to improve patient satisfaction by reducing appointment wait times while ensuring that its clinicians had the time they needed for training and development. The company was also able to improve its bottom line by freeing up time that could be put towards other strategic initiatives.

Medtronic’s experience is a great example of how automated scheduling solutions can improve customer satisfaction and privacy. If you’re looking for similar benefits for your business, SUMO Scheduler is the perfect solution. Contact us today to learn more!


Healthcare & Wellness, Technology

Team Size:

1000+ employees


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