Customer Success Story

Look-Out-Outlook: Find Out How SUMO’s Automated Scheduler Removed This Client’s Need For Manual Data Processing

Read Time: 4 minutes

Alarmed by their clients’ dissatisfaction, this company approached SUMO with an urgent request: to revitalize their appointment scheduling process.


As a market leader providing software solutions, this company provided training and onboarding services to its clients. 

However, the customer training team was managing incoming requests for training using Outlook and Excel, which made booking appointments an extremely manual process. This process was time-consuming, and led to errors and duplicate bookings. Specialist trainers were left either sitting idle or “over-training” groups, leading to a decrease in their productivity and the customers’ satisfaction.

Furthermore, with no follow-ups from the trainers, customers would regularly miss their appointments, leading to regular breakdowns in communication.

Worried about the negative customer sentiment and their overall brand value, the company reached out to SUMO.

The objective was clear: revitalize their appointment scheduling process.


In order to better understand the client’s needs, SUMO conducted a thorough analysis of the company’s operations.

SUMO highlighted the following objectives: 

  • Moving away from manual data processing to automated scheduling
  • Decreasing idle time for training specialists
  • Creating a streamlined calendar to view all scheduled appointments
  • Safely migrating Excel data for up-to-date client integration
  • Keeping clients (and trainers) accountable for appointments


As a Salesforce native application, SUMO assured HIPAA compliance, and seamless integration with the Salesforce platform, ensuring that the company’s sensitive data was secure.

Furthermore, this allowed SUMO to seamlessly migrate the Excel and outlook data into the platform, creating a “smart” ecosystem where the solution would automatically highlight data for repeat customers. 

SUMO proceeded to upgrade the company’s appointment scheduling process through the following steps:

  • Customers would now receive three options to self-schedule an appointment: by phone, email, or conference. 
  • As soon as the appointment was scheduled, both customers and trainers were informed about the appointment through SUMO’s Remider Engine.
  • Once the appointment was scheduled, every trainer in the company could view the booking through a unified “multi-calendar” for seamless visibility.
  • In case there were any scheduling conflicts for customers, SUMO’s solution would automatically recommend appointment alternatives.
  • Lastly, SUMO created a bespoke feature that would cancel future bookings should a client decide to put the training program on hold.


Using the self-scheduling feature, customers now had multiple options to schedule their appointments based on their convenience.

Additionally, this feature decreased the idle time for trainers, while ensuring that each new group was properly accounted for.

The client’s data was stored securely within the Salesforce environment and protected by strong firewalls.

Furthermore, the Multi-calendar allowed the trainers to view all up-to-date appointments and efficiently manage their time and resources.

Finally, the Reminder Engine helped both customers and trainers prioritize their meetings, ensuring consistency and punctuality.


The company was looking to increase trainer productivity and customer satisfaction by reducing the manual effort it took to schedule a training session.

Therefore, SUMO’s Scheduler simplified the booking process and removed the need for Excel and Outlook altogether, providing the client with a solution that was easy to implement, and efficient for the long run.

Use case:



Healthcare & Wellness

Team Size:

1000+ employees


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