Customer Success Story

Worth A Fortune: How a Fortune 500 Insurance Company Revitalized Customer Support and Productivity

Read Time: 5 minutes

Struggling with constant no-shows and facing a drop in customer sentiment, this Fortune 500 business was looking to increase productivity by re-inventing its appointment management system. Here’s why they chose SUMO.


The client, a worksite insurance provider, needed to prepare for an annual open enrollment event with an enterprise premier care provider with over 13,000 employees across 29 states.

However, their existing scheduling system was archaic, buggy, and crash-prone, leading to not only lost time but also lost customer appointment data.

The constant cycle of contacting leads & asking them to re-fill personal data was not only inefficient, but also reflected poorly on the client, which made the event less effective for the provider’s staff & the customer’s employees.

The clients who tried to schedule appointments found available times inconvenient, and there was no option to efficiently re-book or request a different appointment hour.

The effect? On-site staff sat idle for long periods; their calendars had few appointments, and no-shows became extremely common.

Seeking a fresh start with maximum customer satisfaction, the client approached SUMO with a scheduling system in dire need of care.


SUMO conducted a thorough analysis of the client’s day-to-day operations, and gathered key stakeholder opinions to understand the most pressing pain points.

Furthermore, the client had some clear feature requests to the scheduling technology, and as such, SUMO focused on meeting the client’s minimum requirements while the provider decided to focus on improving the appointment process.

The feature requests included:

  • Integration with their CRM platform, Salesforce
  • The ability to assign specific enrollers across multiple locations
  • Automated 24/7 scheduling, with a modern, crash-proof interface
  • Personal data protection with bank-grade safeguards


First and foremost, as a Salesforce native application, SUMO assured bank-grade data security, HIPAA compliance, and seamless integration with the client’s Salesforce platform.

This meant that the client’s data was not only stored securely within the Salesforce environment for convenient access, but also safeguarded by some of the strongest firewalls available on the market, ensuring maximum data protection.

Secondly, SUMO deployed its Assignment Engine, enabling the staff to match with employees based on their insurance needs and the enroller’s areas of expertise, providing the expert assistance required.

Moreover, SUMO’s Reminder Engine allowed the insurance provider’s staff to send automated emails, text messages, and phone reminders to ensure every client showed up on time or rescheduled at their convenience.


SUMO’s multi-faceted solution allowed the worksite insurance provider to tackle its key pain points while significantly improving customer service and productivity.

As a Salesforce-native solution, SUMO enabled the provider to capture critical appointment information and optimize workflows seamlessly while ensuring data security.

Furthermore, the bank-grade security measures of SUMO’s scheduling solution provided the level of protection required by a Fortune 500 business.

Lastly, the Assignment Engine and Reminder Engine optimized the customer service process, matching specialists with the right clients and providing clients with more self-scheduling opportunities.

The worksite insurance provide has reported the following numbers since implementing SUMO’s solution:

  • 13,000+ employees are now able to self-schedule with a representative based on their product interests and needs.
  • 8,000 independent agents are now matched by product certifications, tenure, and geographical location for convenient support
  • 400 locations are now staffed by skill-matched representatives with an optimized schedule of pre-set appointments.


The addition of SUMO Scheduler to the provider’s open enrollment process continues to improve both the productivity of their enrollment representatives, and the overall experience for the (fast) growing customer base.

As the Vice-President of Operations stated after 6 months:

SUMO Scheduler is truly driving business growth by adding
up to 50% more appointments to our insurance agents’ calendars.

– Jane VP, Operations, Fortune 500 Insurance Company


Financial Services

Team Size:

1000+ employees


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