Customer Success Story

Leading Coaching Firm

Read Time: 4 minutes


SUMO has a new customer that is a Leading Coaching Firm who provides coaching and training to real estate professionals with one-hour business coaching sessions being one of their key products. The company originally chose a competing scheduling solution to manage appointments for their sales and coaching teams. However, within the first year, they found it was not fulfilling their needs. The business was being negatively affected by the app’s restrictions on creating self-scheduling sites, ability to quickly book sessions and the extra connector license fees needed to get the app to work with Salesforce®. They saw a doubling of billing increases within a 3-month timeframe. The app was not allowing the business to scale without an extra investment of time and money.


Requiring a more robust tool with user-friendly self-scheduling and flexible workshift management, the organization contacted SUMO after a search for their top competitors. Being built native on Salesforce was their top selling point followed by its ability to scale to their growth. Finally the cost and speed of implementation made SUMO the optimum choice. The organization now can create unlimited self-scheduling sites without added fees, so every rep, program and product can now be represented. Ease of use was also a draw as they found training very user-friendly and the support team lowered the learning curve during the transfer from the other scheduling tool.


The organization is now able to reduce time spent scheduling appointments by almost 50%. With their previous scheduling application, up to 10 different pages needed to be opened and appointments had to be manually moved to match coaching requests. With SUMO, they are now able to use SUMO’s drag and drop feature to easily match any available rep with coaching requests, make updates or corrections. One page bookmarking lets their admin quickly retrieve scheduling and calendar pages needed without maintaining a library of open pages. Working in Salesforce classic mode with plans to convert to lightning mode, the company found extra benefit that SUMO is lightning-ready.



Team Size:

15+ employees


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