Find the best plan for your team's needs

Pricing Plans


Powerful meeting scheduling solution.

SUMO for Salesforce

Salesforce-native scheduling platform for meetings, events & field sales.
Billed annually.

Field Sales

For outside sales teams.

This package enhances Meetings.
Contact Sales to learn more and get pricing details.

Talk to sales

  • Add appointments & travel time to your calendar while in the field
  • Set custom starting location (office, home, city center, hotel)
  • Send custom meeting invites with territory based availability
  • View travel time on your calendar
  • Meeting directions and navigation via Google Maps, Waze, Apple Maps, and more

Events & Courses

Manage events & courses.

This package enhances Meetings.
Contact Sales to learn more and get pricing details.

Talk to sales

  • Virtual & in person events
  • Unlimited custom event templates
  • Online event registration sites
  • Single or dynamic multi event links
  • Assign rooms & resources

Sche­duling suites

Find the subscription that makes the most sense for you or your team

SUMO 1 SUMO for Salesforce
Meetings Meetings Field Sales Events & Courses
Sche­duling suites SUMO 1
SUMO for Salesforce
SUMO for Salesforce
Field Sales
SUMO for Salesforce
Events & Courses

Core features

Unlimited Bookings
Unlimited Templates
Direct Calendar Connec­tor
Google Calendar, Office365
Direct Calendar Connec­tor
Sales­force & Exchange
Email Reminders
SMS Text Remin­ders
USA & Canada only
Mobile Accessi­bility
Multi-Langu­age Support
Open API
Schedule in Sales­force Coming Soon!
Custom Fields for Sales­force Data Capture
Schedu­ling Journey Builder (flows) Coming Soon!
Smart Alerts Coming Soon!
Sales­force Native Reporting & Analytics
Auto Create or Match Sales­force Lead / Contacts Coming Soon!
Room & Resource License
Upload / Attach Docu­ments
Custo­mize Your Branding
Supports CSS

Meeting Sche­duling

Real Time Meeting Sche­duling Coming Soon!
Custom Email Meeting Invites Coming Soon!
Personal Meeting Links
Group Booking Links
Add A Team Member
User to User Booking Coming Soon!
Schedule from Any Website
Sales­force Commu­nity Sche­duling
Schedule Direct from any Sales­force Object
Instantly create, route + assign leads
1 to 1 Booking
1 to Many Booking
Team Assign­ment Engine
Define Sche­duling Parame­ters
Schedule On-Behalf of Users
Book Recurring Appoin­tments
Resche­dule or Cancel via Email
Resche­dule or Cancel via SMS Text Coming Soon! Coming Soon!
Buffer Times
Assign Room & Resour­ces to Appoin­tments
Notify if a Sooner Time Becomes Available

Event Sche­duling

1 to Many Event Booking
Many to Many Event Booking
Online Event Registra­tion Sites
Multi-Event Links
Paid Events
Event Desk
with QR Code Support

Field Sales

Travel Time Sche­duling Automa­tion
Field Sales Appoin­tment Filler
Travel Time Calendar Sync
Google Calendar, Office 365 & Exchange
Assign Users by Zones & Areas

Team Administration

Manage Users By License Type
Create Custom Sche­duling Templa­tes
Manage User Permis­sions
Create Custom Resource Pools By Location or Skill
Utiliza­tion Reporting
Create Custom Sche­duling Flows Coming Soon!


Connect to Sales­force (All Clouds) Coming Soon!
Connect to Hubspot Coming Soon! Via Open API Via Open API Via Open API
Connect Your Google, Office­365, Outlook Calendar
Connect Pay­ments With Stripe Coming Soon!
Connect to Zoom, Microsoft Teams & Google Meet
Track with Google Analytics Coming Soon!

Take your customer engagement to the next level

Ready to try SUMO?

Schedule a call for a quick demo or start your free trial.