Productivity Tip – Recurring Meetings

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Author - Olga Kamylevich

Olga Kamylevich
Published: April 11, 2018

Productivity Tip – Recurring Meetings

The Problem: No one was available

The SUMO team likes to collaborate across departments. In the past quarter, our departmental teams here at SUMO, from the product team to the marketing team, found schedules were already packed with appointments when anyone would try to book an internal meeting or even drop in for a quick consultation. The team leaders took a quick view of everyone’s calendars and spotted a trend.

They noticed a lot of recurring meetings were posted. They also realized these were standing meetings that didn’t always happen since they may have been pushed to accommodate a more pressing matter.

The Solution: Hit Delete

Our team leaders reviewed the existing list of recurring meetings and it was decided that every meeting that was not immediately necessary be deleted across the board.

Besides the awesome feeling of having a meeting deleted from your calendar and seeing a big block of time become available to do other things, as a team we also are seeing the ability to tackle important daily tasks or issues quicker since team members were now available to collaborate.

Recurring meetings will never disappear but we are more conscious now about weighing the importance of the meeting and setting a realistic duration limit rather than just allowing it to repeat forever.


This article discusses the problem of overloaded schedules due to recurring meetings and proposes a solution of deleting unnecessary ones to increase productivity and collaboration within the team.

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